Player Dictionary N-P

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Player Dictionary N-P

Post by Geve » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:47 am


N1: Nice one
Narb: Friendly term for noob
Nat/Nature: Nature rune
NB: Not bad
NBD: No big deal
Ne: any
Ne1: anyone
Nerb: Friendly term for noob
Newb/newbie: New player
Nez: Neitiznot
Nibbler: A player who follows others, begging for gp, hoping to get rich this way
NFS/N4S: Not for sale
No Lifer: Someone who spends excessive amounts of time playing
Noob/Choob/Froob/N00b/n00bie: An annoying player or new in game
NOYB: None of your business
NM: Not much or Never mind
Nme: enemy
NMU: Not much you?
Nolyfe/N0lifer: A person who trains nonstop, without having any social activity with friends. Definition varies from person to person.
NP: No problem
NPC: Non-player character
NQA: No questions asked
Nrg: Energy
NSFW: Not safe for work
NSS: No sh** Sherlock
NTY: No thank you
Nub: (noob) New or dumb
Nvm: Never mind
NW: No way


Obby/Oby: Obsidian, as in TzHaar items
OFC: Of course
OIC: Oh i see
OMG: Oh my gosh
OMW: On my way
Orly: Another way of saying oh, really?
Over 9000: Comical way of saying I don't know (these days) or used just to annoy
Own(ed): Kill(ed) something with ease
Ownt: Conquered


P2P: Member (Pay to Play)
Paladin: Someone who uses high prayer with melee
PC: Pest control mini game also price check
Peeps: Peoples
P Ess: Pure essence
Phat: Partyhat
Pile: The act of several players multi attacking one player at the same time
Ping: Time it takes for a packet (data) to get sent and received back
Pix: Pictures
PJ: Pile Jump(er)- Meaning you kill other people right after they get their loot, which makes it easier for you to get both loots
PK(er): Player kill(er)
Pk Run-in: Planned fight between 2 clans with no special rules.
Plate/Pl8: Platemail and legs/skirt
Pl0x/plz/pl0x/plx/pls: Please
PLOS: Parents looking over shoulder
Plunder/ PP: Pyramid Plunder, a Thieving minigame.
PM: Private message
PMG: Deliberate mispelling of OMG in accord with the principles of l33tspeak
Pm/PMod: Player moderator
PMSL: P*ss/ing my self laughing
PO: Pi**ed Off
POH: Player-owned houses
Pony: Unicorn
Pot: Potion
Potter: Someone who uses potions to fight
Pot up: Telling someone to drink potions
POV: point of view
Power [skill]: Leveling a skill the fastest way possible, for example, Power-ranging is ranging without picking up the arrows, and powerfishing is fishing while giving the fish away.
Powermining/Power mine: Staying in a mining area and either having a runner run ores for you or dropping them, to level up faster.
Ppl: People
Ppot: Prayer potion
Pray: Prayer
Prayer noob: Someone who uses protection prayer in a 1v1 fight
Prost: Proselyte
Pure Set: Super attack and Super strength, mainly used in World 18 for pking
Pure: Someone who trains only one skill
PVP: player versus playing
PWN/PWNT/PWNED/PWNAGE: Pronounced 'poon' Means to severely defeat another player or monster etc

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