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Runespan - The basics

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 2:34 am
by geran ferosa
Hello KoA,
I have had numerous people asking me to help them with runespan, so i decided to create a post to give you a few basic pointers to get you started.

The first thing you should do is the tutorial, as this explains what is to be done in Runespan. This however didn't help me all that much as i tend to just get through these things as fast as i can lol.

Main pointers then....

1) the portals to get from one island to another requires random runes, so a good start when entering is make a as many different runes as you can to start off. i try to get 30 of each. You will have to jump a few portals to achieve this, as the resources on each island is different.
2) Once you have accumulated a nice stock of runes, its time to crack down and get skilling. this is when you pick your desired floor. To find access to different floors, open your map and look for the arrows indicating where the access is.
3) To start skilling, i find it is best to use beasts (Eg.. nature esshound, or on higher plains esswraiths)as this will give you a nice stockpile of essence. As we all know, without essence, you can't make runes. I normally try to stock up to around 2k essence before i move onto the next stage.
4) Once you have your stockpile of essence, you can gain EXP from what we call Nodes, (Eg.. Cyclone, fireball) . These are great as they give you double the EXP you would get from the beasts, only these do not replenish your essence like the beasts do. you can also find more advanced ones that have 2 different essence within (Eg.. Vine, nebula) but they do require a higher skill then the one needed for the higher rune.
5) There are wizards scattered about on all 3 levels of Runespan, a few blues, and 1 yellow. The yellow wizard will call for you in red writing in your chat bar, and ask for assistance, so you will have to find him to help him. The blue wizards will help you to locate him, but only providing you a general direction. However, if you happen to get to him too late, or chance upon him without being summoned, you can use your highest rune on him to gain EXP. (which is how i do it as i never go looking for him. The Blue wizards will teleport you outside of runespan if you manage to find the will to leave :)
6) The Runesphere. This will appear randomly somewhere within runespan and will be announced in your chat in red writing like the yellow wizard. The runesphere will give you dust when siphoning it, which can be exchanged for 10EXP per dust at the runesphere core (kinda like stardust) You have a limit of 1000 dust per day. The runesphere will require many people to chip away at its layers, so calling in clan members to help would be beneficial to both you and your clan.
7) Points will be earned for accumulating runes within Runespan, by the amount of runes you have (not essence) and these can be traded in with felix outside. If you log out while inside, you will keep your place and all runes/essence you had when logging out. If you leave via teleport, you will also keep your points you have gained, although all essence and runes you have gathered will be gone. So when you next go to Runespan, you will have to start over in collecting resources.

For any further information about Runespan, and rewards go to the RsWiki page as it has everything you need to know.

Hope this helps, and feel free to add to this with anything i may have missed.

Re: Runespan - The basics

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:23 am
by Jax
If you want a quick teleport to Wizard Finix a good idea would be to take 'Wiked Hood' with you. It can be obtained from Tam McGrubor in Taverly for free.

Re: Runespan - The basics

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:34 pm
by Secesh
Just a quick update to the yellow wizard. Only give highest rune to him until you reach lvl 77 rc. When you get level 77 rc you give him the correct rune regardless of rune value and you get more xp, than just giving him the highest rune. Lvled 52-99 in 21 days in runespan.

Re: Runespan - The basics

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:32 pm
by Jifaru
Hi there, I'd like to supplement this with a few sources:

The best training spot from 85 on is a string of 5 islands as can be seen here:

High nodes spawn on 4 of these islands, and the central location makes it relatively easy to find wizards. In terms of which nodes to actually go for, testing has shown that

Undead Soul (~136k xp/hr) > Living Soul (~130k xp/hr) > Bloody Skulls (~129k xp/hr) > Nebula/Chaotic Cloud (~110k+ xp/hr) > Everything else (~105k xp/hr) from Flesh on up

Re: Runespan - The basics

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:23 am
by Dr Brad
Interesting! Thanks for sharing, Kit.

Re: Runespan - The basics

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:03 am
by Imp334
Wow thats really helpful Jif, thanks for letting us know!

Re: Runespan - The basics

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:42 pm
by Mjoltiny
you can also trade points with finix (Inside of span) for 10 of each rune for a faster startup.

Re: Runespan - The basics

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:21 am
by Imp334
Trading in the points for runes at the start is definately worth the points sacrificed. Most of the cost is just to make up for the fact that the runes you get are worth points so you don't actually profit from hopping in and out getting the runes