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Player Dictionary T-Z

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:52 am
by Geve

T2G: Time to go
Tally: Talisman
Tank: Player with high defence
Tank Ranger/Mager: A pure with defence.
Tassy: tasset
Tavvy: Taverley
Tb: Trouble Brewing, a minigame in RuneScape. Could also mean teleblock
TBA: To be announced/advised
TBH: To be honest
Teh: The
Tele/Telly: Teleport
Theiv: Thieving
Threeb: Level 3 noob, usually used as an insult against "throwaway" accounts
Thx/Thnx/Tnx/Ty/Txs: Thanks
TK: Team kill/killer/killed
Tlk2ul8r: Talk to you later
TMI: Too much information
TOG: Tears of guthix quest / mini game
Tort: Tortoise
Total: Total level
TT: Treasure Trail
TTFN: Ta ta for now
TTYL: Talk to you later
TWSS: That's what she said
TYSM: Thank you so much
TYVM: Thank you very much


U: You
U2: You too
Uok: Are you okay?
Ur: You're/Your
URW: You are welcome
Urz: Yours
UTM: up to me
Utube: Youtube


V: Varrock, Very or Below
Vambs: Vambraces
Varok: Varrock
V Brassy: Verac's brassard (Armour)
Veng: Vengeance spell
Ver: Verac's armour
VID/er: Video or someone who makes them
VIM: Video in the making
VIP: Very important person
Visage: Draconic Visag


W(#): World (#)
w(/): With
w/e: What ever
W/o or Wo: Without
W8: Wait
Wbm: Wannabe Mod
Wassup: What's up?
WB: Welcome back
WC(ing): Woodcutting or wrong chat
Wealth: Ring of wealth
WD: Well done
Wep: Weapon
WF: Water-filled vial.
WGS: While guthix sleeps quest
Whip: Abyssal whip
Wildy: Wilderness
WIP: Work in Progress
WOM: Wise Old Man
Woot!: Woohoo!
WOW: World of warcraft
WP: Wrong person
WRU: Where are you?
WTB: Want to buy?
WTF: What the F
WTG: Way to go or Want to go
WTH: What the heck?
WU: What's up?
WUUP2: What you up to?


X: Canceled
X[)/XD: An emoticon, usually said after saying something funny.
x:y: x refers to the number of people in the party; y refers to the number of players the floor is designed for (Dungeoneering)
X-bow: Crossbow
Xmas: Christmas
XP: Experience points


Y?: Why?
Yan: Yanille
YW: You're welcome


Zammy: Zamorak
ZGS: Zamorak godsword
Z0mg/ZOMG: Oh my God/gosh/goodness (People frequently pressed z instead of shift when typing with the QWERTY keyboard, and it eventually became an acceptable variation of "omg" )