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New Membership Application #4 from Pure

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:02 pm
by abc4
You have a new Membership Application

From User Pure

<b>Question: What is your RS Username?

Response: </b>Mag1cal Pure

<b>Question: What is your age?

Response: </b>18

<b>Question: How long have you played Runescape?

Response: </b>1-2 years

<b>Question: What is your combat level ?

Response: </b>45

<b>Question: What is your Skill total?

Response: </b>215

<b>Question: Will This be your only clan? </b>

<b>» Yes</b>

<BR />Yes

<b>» No</b>

<BR />No

<b>Question: What do you expect from KoA?

What events would you like to see?
How often would you expect there to be at events? etc...


</b>I only expect mature people who i can talk to easily. I will attend events when i can and hope to be a big part of the clan.

<b>Question: We have a minimum of 10 posts per month and each member must attend 1 event a month.
However these requirements can be compromised.

Could you agree to these requirements? </b>

<b>» Yes</b>

<BR />Yes

<b>» No</b>

<BR />No

<b>» Will try</b>

<BR />No

<b>Question: We do require that you show respect to other clan members and to try and keep your language clean, this is an over 18 clan however we do not allow links to pornography or questionable adult material.
Do you agree to these terms and have you read the wesbite terms and conditions?

Response: </b>Yes

Re: New Membership Application #4 from Pure

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:07 pm
by abc4
Please don't let the low combat fool you, this is my second account i created.
This 45 combat has 70 mage and im currently working on 70 range aswell.
I used to take runescape a bit too seriously, so i made this one for fun (duelling, pking, skilling, playing with KoA ;P)

Im glad i found this site because i need to be able to have a conversation that doesnt involve the word 'noob' every other sentance.
Thanks guys!

Re: New Membership Application #4 from Pure

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:55 pm
by Deep_Pain
Hi, normally this application would be refused, but we've had a few lower levels apply to join recently. Of course you are allowed to post on our public forums, But I want to speak to other admins tomorrow regarding some kind of  system to let lower level member sin, maybe a pures section or a futures something along those lines.

Anyway for the main clan I will have to refuse, sadly you dont meet the rquirements, if you want this app to be considered for the Junior clan (still adults only). I'll see what the other admins have to say about it as an idea and get back to you tomorrow.

Re: New Membership Application #4 from Pure

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:49 pm
by abc4
why do you have a requirement of 85 combat? Because they will be efficient at killing?
I can 3-hit level 70's, and with 70 range coming up (i have 100k bronze arrows and training fast), i will be more than efficient at killing.

Range has moved up to 52, will be higher tomoro
Mage is still at 70 but i may be boosting this.

I would'nt let the clan down in clan battles and there is no downfall to me joining you.
I'm eager to join a community of adults, so please reconsider me joining the main clan.

I'm also an editor for a very popular gaming channel on youtube (with honours galor and loads of views and subscribers), so in future i will be viding runescape battles and clan events.

Get back to me soon. Thanks.

Re: New Membership Application #4 from Pure

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:31 pm
by Deep_Pain
Refused & locked

Please re-apply when you meet our requirements.