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Clan vote - Change level entry requirements?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:03 pm
by Dr Brad
Some have voiced concern about the lack of new recruits over the past few months. Without new members, clan membership numbers will likely continue to dwindle.

To correct this, we're proposing changing the clan entry requirements whereby we either eliminate all level entry requirements or decrease them.

As a reminder, KoA's current entry requirements are: CB 110+ or total levels 1600+

Please vote and comment below.

~ The Admin Team ~

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:11 pm
by The Duckness
I'd say eliminate the requirements, could be fun to have lower levelled people around, help them out and stuff

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:16 pm
by Obitus Dator
If KoA hadn't had any entry level requirements when I was looking for a clan I wouldn't have joined.

To me, if you have a reasonable entry requirement it implies that the clan consists of people who know what they are doing - and that's important.

Clan's with no reqs are usually crappy, fly by night clans. That's not who we are so we should be careful to not give that impression.

I voted to not change - but I'd be happy to reduce the requirements to a lower level (but that wasn't an option).

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:25 pm
by Dr Brad
Obitus Dator wrote:I voted to not change - but I'd be happy to reduce the requirements to a lower level (but that wasn't an option).
To what numbers would you reduce the LVL requirements?

Other suggestions on how to increase membership?

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:34 pm
by Obitus Dator
Dr Brad wrote:
Obitus Dator wrote:I voted to not change - but I'd be happy to reduce the requirements to a lower level (but that wasn't an option).
To what numbers would you reduce the LVL requirements?

Other suggestions on how to increase membership?
I think dropping a couple of hundred on the skill levels and 20 on the combat would be fine ?

I just think there's a real danger that anyone who's been playing a while would view zero reqs as a 'noob' clan not worth wasting time on.

Also, since we have no activity requirements, how do we avoid getting full of people who try RS, play for a few weeks, and then find it's not for them? With reasonable reqs you at least weed out the people who are just trying it out, as they'd have to commit a decent amount of time to get the reqs.

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:26 pm
by Milly
This has come up in the past and I'll say what I said then...

No, if anything the reqs are too low already.

Clans with low or no reqs aren't good. It's not appealing to long term plays and any who did join I doubt would be the kind who would stick around for long. I think this would promote a lot of coming and going, a lot of short term members and I don't think that's what anyone wants to see

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:10 pm
by Oobz
I can't say how it will definitely turn out if it's decided to scrap the requirements, but the truth is the game has changed, current recruitment methods are not working as they used to, whether that's because there are just not as many people playing nowadays, there are more clans in game or we are getting something wrong with the methods we are using.

I believe it is worth a shot to see how it goes, we are always in a position to reverse the decision if need be.
Obitus Dator wrote:Also, since we have no activity requirements, how do we avoid getting full of people who try RS, play for a few weeks, and then find it's not for them?
This could potentially work the other way too, they enjoy the clan atmosphere and decide the game is actually for them.
Obitus Dator wrote:as they'd have to commit a decent amount of time to get the reqs.
I have to admit, I have actually argued this point with someone on the tipit forums. I have obviously changed my mind on the matter haha
Milly wrote:Clans with low or no reqs aren't good. It's not appealing to long term plays and any who did join I doubt would be the kind who would stick around for long. I think this would promote a lot of coming and going, a lot of short term members and I don't think that's what anyone wants to see
Isn't it effectively the same as opening the clan to guests on a permanent basis though? we have no control who enters the cc on weekends and that goes for age and level requirements.

I'm not saying this is the right thing for the clan, but I would be willing to give it a try and see how things pan out.

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 12:11 am
by magerpainz
Just to clear the matter, I understand we are still keeping the age requirement. Am I correct?

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:07 am
by untitled92
I agree with the level requirements, I wouldn't have joined either if they weren't in place. The quality of people is usually better when people have to work to get into a clan.

On the topic of knowing what you're doing because you have the requirements--I still feel clueless 98% of the time on this game. Especially when it comes to anything combat related. :P

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:01 am
by Cally Raven
Magerpainz wrote:Just to clear the matter, I understand we are still keeping the age requirement. Am I correct?
Yes Mager the 18 req would still hold, we are an adult clan.

I personally am against lowering the skills and combat reqs entirely, I would be happier to have them lowered, as said by others I feel taking the reqs away completely would make it easy for people who are just trying the game and then don't stay, if we had lower reqs it would show they play the game enough to be a member that can give something to the clan, or we may find we have a clan list full of members that only stayed a couple of weeks and we are in the same position we are in now just a larger members list. :D

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:43 am
by Jimmy13
I would say lower it a little :) and sorry all that ive not been around on rs and a like

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:11 pm
by Touristguide
As for voting I'm going with keep it the same. However I do like the idea of testing a small drop in reqs to join for a period of time (concur with Oobz). If we decide to change it back, allow anyone to stay with the req's they meet upon joining. Nowadays it is very easy to level up. We might be losing some good adult players to other clans at current req levels if they are joining other clans with a bit more relaxed levels (agree with Obitus Dator on numbers).

Maybe we need to have that as a different voting on what is a good level?

I want someone who has "vested" enough time into playing that they now want to connect with other "like minded" adults to do things with in-game. Another way we get new players are the adults that started playing when they were kids/teens and want to be with other adults.

I agree with Cally that we don't want to inflate our already inflated clan membership numbers. The clan vex says we have 110 players. Really? I know that is a different discussion point, but we need to really know how many "active" members we have. Either by forum activity, events participation, or clan chat discussion.

Look at all the great players who take a break and come back to KoA. We are doing something right. I think we need to do a small amount of lvl req "tweaking" to find a better entry point to the clan. Then test it for a few months for results.

Re: Clan vote - Change level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:48 pm
by Dr Brad
Because some would like to see entry LVL requirements decreased (not eliminated), I'm restarting the poll with that option.

For those who've already voted, please revote.

Re: Clan vote - Change level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:55 pm
by Cally Raven
I voted to lower reqs, to maybe in the range of 90-100 combat and 1200 skills, that would open the clan up to a larger range of potential members but to those with a commitment to the game and hopefully that will mean a commitment to the clan :D

Re: Clan vote - eliminate level entry requirements?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:01 pm
by lacey days
I am of the opinion that the clan entry level may be a little high, however, as someone said previously, levelling is a lot easier these days, keeping it the same should work as far as I'm concerned.
Rather than looking at how we get people into the clan, maybe we should look at a program to keep them there once they join. When I joined 3 years ago, we had a great program of events both weekly and monthly, but as people have got to the higher skill levels, events they used to organise have disappeared. If you no longer need stealing creation points for tools, you no longer need to play. The people that run the clan do an excellent job behind the scenes, but maybe we still need someone to do some "customer facing" activities?
We've tried NOT doing as many organised events, but I find it hard now to find an excuse to play. Group events give us a reason to play when we don't need the xp, I enjoyed the conversation and fun we used to enjoy trying to kill Kalphite King when he first came out......

Just a thought